Monday, October 13, 2014

And does Mr Harry Potter have his key?

Working on a study over the weekend of a Gringotts Goblin that was sculpted for Sideshow Collectibles by the incredibly awesome Matthew J Black, whom does not seem to have a website but I want to definitely credit him for some awesome reference. I'm not there yet with it, but it's been a productive study. I hopefully will be able to fix my mess, and maybe finish this one up.. really needs some hair, I want to take this opportunity to play with Fiber Mesh once I have some free time this week.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A little rough work, from work!

I started sculpting this dude out for an art stream at work a few months ago, I had forgotten about it till I stumbled across it tonight cleaning out some old folders! Based on the Dawngate Chronicles design of Voluc when he was a human drawn by the excellent Nicholas Kole!

Also, how about a Red Panda Bearian? I painted this silliness up a while ago half as a joke, half to practice drawing/painting. I should keep going, it was pretty fun :D.

And some Dawngate Cross over!

Would you like a Voluc Bear? :3

Monday, October 6, 2014

Art Neglect, oh my.

Touching up a bit of work on a personal piece that's been floating around the nether. I really neglected my personal art for way too long. Based off of Mike Franchina's Inquisitor comic character.